Smoke Stack - Stick Figure Reggae

What a Top Reggae Star Taught Me About Life – And Disappointment

Scott Woodruff (AKA Stick Figure) has dominated worldwide reggae charts for over a decade. At one time, he was also my friend. The year was 2009. I was living in San Francisco’s Mission District, running a small audio production business. Scott was a promising young artist on the other side of the country. He reached...

Bananas on Fruit bowl

2 Bananas – A Metaphor for Marriage

We go through an insane amount of bananas in our home. Quite literally, it’s bananas. Okay, enough of the punny stuff. It really does amaze me how quickly they go. Sometimes my siblings come over and I notice that they, too, seem to love bananas. Must be genetic. Now, I may live an interesting life,...

"Is the grass always greener? - A poem on perspective & contentment

Is the Grass REALLY Always Greener?

Single people ache for marriage Married people, to be single Poor people want the luxuries of the rich The rich, the simplicity of the poor Light skinned long for dark Dark skinned long for light The jobless hurt for work The working despise the jobs they have Young people can’t wait to age While the...

Thank a teacher

Why I’ll Never Take A Teacher For Granted Again

Remembering Mr. Wilson… “A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others” – Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Walking down the empty hall by my niece’s classroom today, I couldn’t help but think back to my own time in school.  I was suddenly hit with the realization that the...

Edsa LRT - Letter to the Philippines


(January 2021 Update: This “letter to the Philippines” was written 7 years ago. I have not been back to the country for quite a while, so I’m not sure how much of this still applies. Hopefully less of the negative and more of the positive:) Anyhow…just something to keep in mind as you read it...

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