First of all, I never imagined my love of music would take me around the world. If so, it probably would have been through performing and touring, certainly not by running an audio mastering business. Well, life is full of surprises. This is how I funded the travel adventures of a lifetime. Words &...
Category: Blog
My Olympus TG-4 Field Test – Underwater in the Philippines
Here I review the Olympus TG-4 – the updated version of the camera I bought initially. These are tough little workhorses! By Nathan Allen “Nathan, what kind of camera do you use?” I receive this question from I Dreamed Of This readers all of the time. Well here you go… When I read about the...
The Timeless Beauty of the Philippine Provinces – in Black & White
Ah, the small towns and villages of the Philippines–a place where you can slow down, decompress…and breathe some fresh, clean air. Where the worries of hectic, modern life seem to fade from view, and sharing a home-cooked meal with friends and family becomes your #1 priority. Enjoy my Philippine provinces photos… By Nathan Allen After...
These Singapore Photos Were Shot During a 50-cent Bus Ride
Singapore’s city buses are made in the U.K. and Germany (Mercedes Benz), and their public transportation system is quite efficient & affordable. A few of these sleek buses are double deckers, and provide a spectacular view as you ride through the city. I did what any self respecting photographer would do when presented with scenes...
15 Jaw-Dropping Photos of the Philippines to Feed Your Soul
They say “a picture speaks a thousand words”. Well, the ones below tell quite a story! The Philippines was sooo stunning…I probably took 100k photos traveling there. Out of all those shots, I chose the best 15 Philippines photos to showcase the country’s true beauty: FYI: Any of these images can be ordered online, framed...
Nathan Allen Tells Truth, Gets Banned, Attacked By Pinoy Travel Bloggers
(If you haven’t read why I was declared “Officially Unwelcome” in the Philippines, you might want to start by clicking here.) I’m Nathan Allen – a “Philippine Advocate”, according to the national media. I have spent a total of 3 years exploring and documenting the beauty of the Philippines, and I consider it a great...
I Was Declared ‘Persona Non Grata’ in the Philippines…Why?
That time I (Nathan Allen) was declared persona non grata in the Philippines… 2015 was officially known as “Visit the Philippines Year”. This is ironic, because it was the year that a few Manila airport employees started planting bullets in luggage to extort money from tourists. It was also the year I ended up all...
Follow-Up: My “Open Letter” Explained – By Nathan Allen “The Truth Hurts…But Less if it’s Coming From YOU” Here is the link to the original letter, as a young Filipino on Twitter shared it: “When truth feels better told by somebody else – A FOREIGN BLOGGER’S LETTER TO THE PHILIPPINES“ Why do many people accept...
(January 2021 Update: This “letter to the Philippines” was written 7 years ago. I have not been back to the country for quite a while, so I’m not sure how much of this still applies. Hopefully less of the negative and more of the positive:) Anyhow…just something to keep in mind as you read it...
5 Ways Filipino English Just Makes More Sense
As an adult, English is one of the hardest languages to learn…or so I’ve heard. It was my primary language since birth, so I never realized just how frustrating and challenging it can be. Silent letters, same spelling but different pronunciation…etc. Living in the Philippines for a few years helped me to realize that sometimes,...